1928 Diagnostics and Genomic Medicine Sweden’s working group for microbiology initiate cooperation in the development of analytical tools for real time data sharing and the prevention of outbreaks of infectious bacteria.
In the joint project between GMS-Microbiology and 1928 Diagnostics a new and more effective typing method for outbreak tracing of the antibiotic resistant bacteria MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) will be evaluated with the help of the 1928D analysis platform – which can be used to guide treatment of bacterial infection. The agreement has been signed between the Department of Laboratory Medicine at Örebro University Hospital (responsible for coordinating GMS-Microbiology) and 1928 Diagnostics. The collaboration will initially apply to a pilot project under 2020 where all seven university hospitals in GMS, together with Ryhov Hospital in Jönköping and the Public Health Agency of Sweden will take part.
– We have worked together with 1928 Diagnostics for a number of years and are very happy continuing to do so together with many other laboratories across Sweden in this new project. Our goal within GMS-Microbiology is to find joint national analytical tools which work irrespective of sequencing platform and where there is an ability to share data in real time in order to prevent and stop the spread of infectious bacteria, says Paula Mölling, Associate Professor at Örebro University Hospital’s Department of Laboratory Medicine, and project leader for GMS-Microbiology.
DNA sequencing is conducted at clinical microbiology laboratories across the country and data generated will be shared via the national genomic platform which is being established through GMS. This will facilitate data sharing across Swedish hospitals that in turn will enable outbreak tracing across hospital boundaries. Data will be analysed with the aid of 1928 Diagnostics’ analysis platform as well as other analytical tools for comparison.
1928 Diagnostics is a Swedish company who develops analytical tools for combating antibiotic resistance. 1928 Diagnostics’ analytics platform is suitable for clinical laboratories and is focused on epidemiologic typing and antibiotic resistance profiling for MRSA as well as other bacteria.
– 1928 Diagnostics is looking forward to the collaboration with GMS which has significant potential in realising national data sharing for more effective outbreak tracing. We believe that this type of cooperation between multiple stakeholders such as hospitals, industry, and GMS will be key to effectively implementing precision medicine in Sweden. Sweden’s impressive expertise in infection control and advanced technology, in combination with our innovative capacity, give us a unique position to serve as a good example in an international perspective, contributing to world health, says Kristina Lagerstedt, CEO at 1928 Diagnostics.
– Within GMS-Microbiology we have established six different national working groups which, amongst other things, work with common guidelines, evaluate new sequencing methods for analysis of infectious diseases and outbreak tracing, as well as how data can be shared in real time. All of which in order to increase quality and simplify how results of outbreak tracing can be shared between healthcare authorities, says Lars Engstrand, Professor of Clinical Microbiology at the Karolinska Institute and co-chair of GMS-Microbiology.
More on GMS-Microbiology’s work
More on 1928 Diagnostics