The national board of Genomic Medicine Sweden has appointed Professor Dame Sue Hill, Professor Albrecht Stenzinger, Professor Dag Undlien, Jaana Sinipuro and Professor Peter Løngreen as members of the GMS Scientific Advisory Board. The newly appointed members will start their engagement on January 1st 2020.

From left to right: Dame Sue Hill, Albrecht Stenzinger, Dag Undlien, Jaana Sinipuro (Photo credit: Miikka Pirinen / Sitra), Peter Løngreen
— We are very pleased to welcome Dame Sue Hill, Albrecht Stenzinger, Dag Undlien, Jaana Sinipuro and Peter Løngreen, all world leading experts in their fields, as GMS Scientific Advisory Board members and look forward to working closely together, said Mats Ulfendahl, chair of the GMS national board.
The main tasks of the GMS SAB will be to provide management advice on the direction of the GMS initiative and to give expert input on the organization and how GMS should prioritize projects.
— Their experience from other national genomic medicine initiatives, successful development of new legislation of data sharing, and expertise in disease areas and genomics technologies, will be invaluable in the continued development of GMS, said Richard Rosenquist Brandell, director of GMS.
A first meeting with the newly appointed SAB will be held in Stockholm, Sweden in spring 2020.
About the Board members:
Professor Dame Sue Hill, Chief Scientific Officer and Senior Responsible Officer for Genomics in NHS England
Professor Peter Løngreen, Director General, Danish National Genome Center, Denmark
Jaana Sinipuro, Project Director responsible for the IHAN® – Human-driven data economy focus area at Sitra, Finland
Professor Albrecht Stenzinger, Head of the Center for Molecular Pathology (CMP), Head of the Section for Biomarker Development and Molecular Diagnostics and Senior Consultant Pathologist at the Institute of Pathology (IPH), University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany
Albrecht Stenzinger CV
Professor Dag Undlien, Head of Department of Medical Genetics at Oslo University Hospital and University of Oslo, Norway