International collaboration

Genomic Medicine Sweden recognizes that collaboration with other national initiatives and international networks in genomic medicine is crucial.

International collaboration

Genomic Medicine Sweden (GMS) has ongoing discussions and an exchange of experience with other national initiatives in genomic medicine in Scandinavia, Europe, and across the world.

We are also a member of the European collaboration ”1+ Million Genomes” initiative together with 20 other EU member states focused on enabling the sharing of genomic data between EU countries.

We are part of the following international networks:
Nordic Alliance for Clinical Genomics
Global Alliance for Genomics & Health
1+ Million Genomes

Introduction collaboration

GMS is a national initiative in genomic and precision medicine where collaboration plays a key role. Together with healthcare providers, academia, the private sector and patient organizations we create a unique foundation for strengthening Swedish healthcare, research, innovation and life-science in precision medicine.

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