Most welcome to the GMS Complex diseases Working group meeting on May 9th. This meeting will be focusing on the experiences from precision medicine for complex diseases from the Nordic countries and Estonia.

Date: May 9th, 2022
Time: 1pm-4pm
Where: Zoom digital meeting (, passcode: 012184)

Bo Jacobsson, chair GMS Complex diseases

Opportunities for precision medicine in neuropsychiatric diseases – real world applications
Ole Andreassen, Professor at the Institute of Clinical Medicine, Oslo University Hospital, Norge

Estonian Biobank and national initiative of personalized medicine in Estonia, current experience and next steps ahead
Neeme Tõnisson, Estonian Biobank / Institute of Genomics, University of Tartu

Personalised medicine in inflammatory diseases, education and implementation
Saedis Saevarsdottir, professor and rheumatologist, University of Iceland, Karolinska Institutet, deCODE genetics and Landspitali University Hospital

14.20-14.30 Short break

Bioinformatics at the Danish National Genomic Center
Ole Lund, Chief Bioinformatics Officer, Danish National Genome Center

Panel discussion
Moderator: Åsa Johansson & Craig Wheelock, co-chairs GMS Complex diseases

Concluding remarks
Gunnel Nordmark, co-chair GMS Complex diseases

If you are not already a member of the GMS Complex disease Working group, please contact Mikaela Friedman (mikaela.friedman[at] to join. You can find more information about GMS Complex disease work here.